The 37th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
16 – 17 November, 2017, Bucharest, Romania
INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy) and the ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob” in collaboration with University of Bucharest and “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest organizes the 37th edition of the Conference "Caius Iacob" on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications, in 16-17 November 2017, at the headquarters of the INCAS, Blvd. Iuliu Maniu 220, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania.
Conferences "Caius Iacob" (History)
Documents of the Conference:
Program Final_cci_2017 (14.11.2017)
List of Participants Caius Iacob 2017 (06.11.2017)
List of Participants Caius Iacob 2017 (01.11.2017)
Second Call_Caius Iacob_2017_v3.pdf (11.09.2017)
Caius-Iacob_2017_registration_forms.doc (11.09.2017)
Second call_v2 (26.07.2017)
Premiul "Caius Iacob" - Regulament
Premiul "Nicolae TIPEI" - Regulament
Instructions and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN
Dr. Stelian ION, ISMMA ― Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy “Gheorghe Mihoc ― Caius Iacob”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; Tel. 021 318 81 06/ 3414
- Prog. Elena NEBANCEA, INCAS ― National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Tel. 0769 054 964; Fax. 021.434 00 82