INCAS is design authority for all major aeronautical programs developed in Romania. Acting in an integrated environment with industry, INCAS has developed outstanding capabilities for design and analysis of modern aero-structures, integrating state-of-the-art capabilities for virtual enterprise. At the same time, a continuous effort enabled materials department to developed new materials with advanced properties for aeronautical usage, with important spin-off capabilities. This integrated approach enables enable INCAS to provide full expertise from conceptual structural design using new materials up to structural testing and validation for the benefit of the industrial partners.
This department is based on two major units :
Aero-Structures : - Unit based on advanced design capabilities, using CATIA environment and an integrated set of tools for structural analysis, complex mechanical and kinematic simulations. INCAS is also involved in in-house code development for structural analysis, mainly with respect to composite materials and structural integrity evaluation. Capability to work using state-of-the-art industrial tools enabled INCAS design team to be integrated into development teams of all major industrial partners. A special team is dedicated to wind tunnel model design and manufacturing, where almost all models for INCAS wind tunnel testing activities have been produced, for the benefit of aeronautical industry. Interconnectivity with new generation of unconventional manufacturing units, including 3D printers and virtual prototyping has been implemented in the last years. |
New Materials : - Unit dedicated to development and testing of new materials for aeronautical applications. Due to a natural spin-off activity, the customer area for the proposed new materials is much broader, from heavy industry to space application, thus making this department a very competitive one. State-of-the-art technology is used for the experimental characterization of the new materials developed (mainly for carbon fibers). Latest experimental facilities include a unique thermal shock facility used in order to qualify materials for aeronautics and space industry. |