The 40th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
19 - 20 October, 2023, Bucharest, Romania
10 - 11 May 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2022"
13 - 14 October 2022, Bucharest, Romania
25 - 26 May 2022, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
The 39th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
28 - 29 October, 2021, Bucharest, Romania

#AeroDays2020 Berlin, 24-26 November: Register now!
We are very glad to announce that registrations to the #AeroDays2020 are open! This year, the #AeroDays2020 will be taking place in a format adapted to the current COVID-19 situation with an on-site-program for speakers and guests on the stage of the Meistersaal in Berlin along with an online-service via streaming platform for virtual participants. Two technical events – the Berlin Aviation Summit (24th of November) and the FORUM (25th and 26th of November) – form the core parts of #AeroDays2020 in Germany.
Register here:
Virtual Conference
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2020"
15 - 16 October 2020, Bucharest, Romania
8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2020”
15 - 16 October 2020, Bucharest, Romania - was rescheduled
7 - 8 November, 2019, Bucharest, Romania
Save the date!!
May 27-30, 2019 – Romanian Palace of Parliament
Europe’s Technological Achievements for a Sustainable Future of Aviation
7th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2019”
15 - 16 May 2019, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
Clean Sky-2 Programme and Contemporary Challenges in Aircraft Composite Repair
4th December 2018, Bucharest
International Seminar will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2018"
25 - 26 October 2018, Bucharest, Romania
6th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2018”
16 - 17 May 2018, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
25 - 26 October 2018, Bucharest, Romania
19 December 2017, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6.
24 noiembrie 2017, INCAS, București
Conferinta sustinuta de
17 - 18 May 2017, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
STAI – 127 Meeting in Bucharest, Romania
Organized by INCAS, 14 - 17 May 2017
03 February 2017
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2016”
26 - 27 October 2016, Bucharest, Romania
29 June - 01 July 2016
Organised by the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) at Conference Center INCAS "Elie Carafoli"
220, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., District 6, Bucharest, Romania
11-12 May 2016, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6
Infoday for the C3-2016 Competition for Projects, STAR Programme
on Tuesday, 5 April 2016, starting 09:30.
The event is hosted by the National Institute of Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" (INCAS), Blvd. Iuliu Maniu no. 220, district 6, Bucharest
Infoday for the C3-2016 Competition for Projects, STAR Programme
on Tuesday, 5 April 2016, starting 09:30.
The event is hosted by the National Institute of Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" (INCAS), Blvd. Iuliu Maniu no. 220, district 6, Bucharest
On the 13th of January, 2016,
The 36th “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
29 - 30 october, 2015, Bucharest, Romania
3rd International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, NMAS 2015
06-07 May 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, 220, Iuliu Maniu Blvd, sector 6
30 septembrie 2014, ora 9:30
International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2014”
18 - 19 September 2014, Bucharest, Romania
16th – 17th of September 2014
2nd International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, NMAS 2014
07 - 08 May 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Workshop will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, 220, Iuliu Maniu Blvd, sector 6
Clean Sky 2 Info Day in Bucharest
5 March 2014, Bucharest, Romania
The XXXVth “Caius Iacob” Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Applications
2013, November 14-15, Bucharest, Romania