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Instructions and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN
Volume 6, Issue 4/ 2014, (online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN-L 2066-8201; DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201 (only the first page to every article)
Volume 6, Issue 3/ 2014, (online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN-L 2066-8201; DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201 (only the first page to every article)
Volume 6, Issue 2/ 2014, (online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN-L 2066-8201; DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201 (only the first page to every article)
Volume 6, Special Issue 1, March 2014, (online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN-L 2066-8201; DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201 (only the first page to every article)
Volume 6, Issue 1/ 2014, (online) ISSN 2247–4528; (print) ISSN 2066–8201; ISSN-L 2066-8201; DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201 (only the first page to every article)